Our last Kunekune girl

Ducky is our only pig left. Ariel and Calypso went to a new farm with a wonderful family and Bubbles passed away in Dec '23.

Nermal and Rabies were our only barn cats for several years. we added Misty & Monkey in 2021
all are fixed. We sometimes have strays show up as well. Rabies is currently missing :(
We lost Fuzzy on 6/22/24, Drax is currently living with Luna for them to bond more and we will start tethering him in the adult goat pen to adjust to living with goats and not next to them soon.
Luna is 7/8 Spanish Mastiff and 1/8 Pyrenean Mastiff born in 2019 that came from a breeder in Idaho. Luna LOVES her goats & pig but is is more reserved with strangers and quicker to react if one of her charges is upset.
We currently have a LGD trainee that we brought in late Dec 2023- Drax is from a farm in KY but was not kept with livestock after going to his new home as a small puppy. That owner moved to Detroit area from KY when he was 10 mos old and Drax did not adjust to the move and so he came here to see if he can learn to be the guardian he was born to be. He is 80% Spanish Mastiff & 20% Anatolian Shepherd- since he is fuzzier -we did confirm that via DNA test... He currently shares space with Luna an a run between goats as he adjusts to LGD life and until he is less bouncy & has better manners.
Shaman- Doberman, Raina- LH Dachshund, & Quill- SH Dachshund
(Deeter- 3/4 Dachshund x 1/4 beagle mix & Rogue- Doberman have both passed away),