Blackberry's BQ Once in a Blue Moon *B (F1)

Dam GCH 3*M 

Dam's Dam GCH 2*M  ADGA National Champion '22 & ADGA Reserve National Champion '24       (GCH Big Hoofhearted RB Luna 2*M)

Dam's Sire- SG buck with MANY GCH & milk starred daughters

              (SG Urban Acres Charming Troubadour +*B)

Sire's dam:  MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020 (all 3 categories)

Sire's maternal sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 (2 categories)

Blue eyed

Currently planning to breed Blue to

   Tilly 3*P, Henna & Lassi for next year. 

Put in doe pen 10/29 and will be in that pen until 12/1 as the clean up buck

Mosaic's Chantilly Lace 3*P (F3)

            MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020
    MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2021 (2 catagories)

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2020

BOTH Grand-dams : MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2018 (Dam's sire & dam's G-dam)

Had QUINTs on 2/19/25

**** Buckling has his *B ****

Babies are F2

Doelings  $650  (1 retained)

buckling will be $600

Blue eyed

Mosaic's Bonnie Wee Lass (F6)

Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and the 2021 top 10 list also
Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 
1/2 sister Tilly: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and the 2021 top 10 list also

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/15/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F2

Colors possible:  Bezoar and black. Moonspots, frosted ears/nose, & blue eyes possible. 

Doelings will be $600 if available; bucklings $500

I plan to keep a doeling if one is born. 

Mosaic's Lil' Bunny Foofoo (F6)

Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 
1/2 sister Tilly: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and the 2021 top 10 list also

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/14/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F2

Colors possible: Bezoar, Mahogany, and black & tan


Moonspots, frosted ears/nose, & Blue eyes possible.

Doelings will be $600 if available; 

buckling will be $500

I plan to keep a doeling if one is born. 

blue eyed

Mosaic's Moon Child (F4)

Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2021 

Dam's dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2020

BOTH Maternal Gt G-dams : MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2018 (Dam's sire & dam's G-dam)

Sire's Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 (all 3 catagories)

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/14/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F2

Colors possible: Bezoar, black and black & tan. 

Moonspots, frosted ears/nose, & Blue eyes possible.

Doelings will be $500 if available; buckling unavailable until FF udder is assessed

Mosaic's Infinity Stones (F4)

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Sire's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2019 

Dam's Dam: has VMCH & MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 

Maternal Grt-G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020

Maternal Grt- Grt G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 5 list in 2018

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/15/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F2

Colors possible:  Bezoar and black. Moonspots, frosted ears/nose, & blue eyes possible. 

Doelings will be $550 if available; buckling unavailable until udder is assessed

Kessel Run TS Sweet Henna (F1)

on dam's side Grand daughter of: 

SG My Enchanted Acres LM Candyman +*B -elite sire

on sire's side Gt Grand daughter of:

SG Six M Galaxy Noel's Comet ++B -elite sire

(son of SG Six M Galaxy Nova's Sonia's Noel 10*M

     5x top 10; elite doe)

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/20/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F2

Colors possible: Bezoar, black and black & tan.  

Moonspots, frosted ears/nose, & Blue eyes possible.

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed

I plan to keep a doeling if one is born.

<Reservations are full on this pairing>

* * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * * 

Homeward Bound's Obsidian Blue (F5)

Sire's Dam:  has her VMCH & on MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 (2 categories) and MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2021

                                           Blue eyed

Currently planning to breed Sid to

   VMCH Sin 2*P, Cherry & Flutterby 

for next year. 

Blue eyed

Mosaic's Fabulous Flutterby (F4)

Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Maternal Sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Sire's Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 (all 3 catagories)

Had twins on 2/20/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F5

Doeling will be $600; 

bucklings $500

May retain a doeing if one born.

VMCH Blackberry's BV Pure Black Obsidian 2*P (F5) 

MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 (2 categories)

Daughter: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Dam: MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020 (all 3 categories)

Sire's Dam: MDGA 1- day top 5 list in 2018 (2 categories)

Confirmed Bred

Due 3/15/25

**** Bucklings will be able to produce *B  boys 

when bred to does with milk stars- but will not have there own *B. ****

Babies will be F6

Colors possible: Black, Moonspots blue eyes possible.

Doelings will be $800 if available;

bucklings will be $700 

I plan to keep a doeling if one is born.

and possible a buckling

Confirmed Bred

Due 3/17/25

(may have slipped this pregnancy 

& be due 3 weeks later to Blue)

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F6

(F2 if they are 3 weeks later & Blue's kids)

Colors possible: Bezoar, black, and black & tan

 (unsure if she carries black or B &T from her sire). 

Moonspots blue eyes possible.

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed

* * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * * 

Green Gables CGF Lil' Swiss Boy *B (F3)

G-sire's litter sister:  has her VMCH & on MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 (2 categories) and MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2021

 Swiss *B was bred to

  Saffron *P & Firefly 3*P 

for next year.

All bucks will have their *B

Had QUADS on 2/5/25

**** Bucklings have their *B ****

Babies are F2

brown buckling $500 

doeling retained

Mosaic's Feisty Firefly 3*P (F4)

MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Paternal Sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Had QUADS on 2/6/25

**** Bucklings have their *B ****

Babies will be F4

Doeling $650 weaned or  $575 as bottle baby

Spotted Buckling $550 weaned or  $475 as bottle baby

bottle baby price slowly creeps up back to normal price as weeks pass and there is less overall time I have to bottle feed them.

* * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * * 

Argent was bred to 

Nebula 3*P

for next year.

Argent's dam has her 2*P- so any doe with a milk star's buckings can inherit their *B

Mosaic's Tigereye Nebula (F3)

MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Dam: has VMCH & MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 

(2 categories)

Paternal Sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Maternal G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020

 (all 3 categories)

Maternal Grt G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 5 list in 2018

 (2 categories)

Had triplets on 2/20/25

**** Buckling has his *B ****

 Babies are F3

none available

* * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * * 

Mosaic's Celestial Howlite (F6)

Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2020 & 2021
Dam's Sire's dam: MDGA 1- day top 5 list in 2018

Sire's Sire's Dam:  MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 (2 categories) and

MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2021

 Howlite was bred to 

Ladybug, Opal, & Paprika

for next year.


Green Gables D Ladybug (F3)

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 & 2022 (2 catagories)

Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2018

Had triplets on 2/7/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

 Babies are F4

<Reservations are full on this pairing>

Mosaic's Chocolate Opal (F6)

Dam: has VMCH & MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 (2 categories)

Sire's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2019 

Maternal Sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Maternal G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020 (all 3 categories)

Maternal Grt G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 5 list in 2018 (2 categories)

Had twins on 2/15/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

 Babies are F7

 Bucklings are $500. 


Mosaic's Paprika (F2)

Sire's Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 (all 3 catagories)

Had single buck on 2/7/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

 Babies are F3

Buckling $500

* * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * *  * * * * 

Kessel Run LS Butterscotch Blondie *B (F2)

Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2022 (2 catagories)

Sire's Dam: TMGR 305 day top 5 for several years

Currently planning to breed Blondie *B to Promise, Phoenix, Glo-bug, & Daisy 

for next year.

          I will be retaining a doeling from at least 1 of them

Put in doeling pen 10/28 and will be in that pen until 12/1 as the clean up buck

Crooked Oak Farms Phoenix (F2)

Sire's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2022 (2 catagories)

Had triplets on 2/20/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

 Babies are F3

Black doeling  $550

 buckling $500 


Kessel Run Jacob's Eternal Promise (F2)

Sire's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2022 (2 catagories)

Had triplets on 2/20/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F3

 bucklings $500 each

Blue eyed

Mosaic's Glorious Glo-bug (F5)

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

G-Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

G-Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Sire's Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 (all 3 catagories)

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/3/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Cream, black, and black & tan

Moonspots blue eyes possible.

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed

Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2021 

Dam's dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2020

BOTH Maternal Gt G-dams : MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2018 (Dam's sire & dam's G-dam)

GG-Sire's litter sister: VMCH & on MDGA 305 top 10 in '20 & 1-day top 10 in '21

Confirmed Bred

Due between 3/27 - 4/8/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Cream, black, swiss, black & tan, or combos of listed.

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed

Dam's Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 
Dam's 1/2 sister Tilly: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and the 2021 top 10 list also
GG-Sire's litter sister: VMCH & on MDGA 305 top 10 in '20 & 1-day top 10 in '21

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/1/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Bezoar, Cream, or either in combo with swiss- black & tan/swiss combo also possible.

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed

Mosaic's Moon Dancer (F5)

Dam's side:
Dam's Litter sister: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and the 2019 top 5 list 
Dam's 3/4 sister: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020
Grand- Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 

Sire's side

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

G-Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

G-Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Grand- Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018

Confirmed Bred

Due between 3/27 - 4/8/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Cream, black, chocolate, black/tan & chocolate/tan.

Moonspots possible.

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed


Mosaic's Chaos Pixie (F3)

Dam's Sire's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2022

Sire's side

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

G-Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

G-Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Grand- Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018

Confirmed Bred

Due 3/27/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Cream, Bezoar, black or black & tan. (unsure if he carries black or B &T from his sire).  Frosted ears/nose & polled possible. 

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed

will be retaining a doeling from Phoenix or Promise- possibly Pixie due to line breeding done with these 3

Mosaic's Starlit Poppies (F5)

DAM's Side:

Grand-Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2021 

Grand-Dam's dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2020

BOTH Maternal Gt G-dams : MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2018 (Grand Dam's sire & granddam's G-dam)

Grand-Sire's dam: MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2019

Sire's side

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

G-Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

G-Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Grand- Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 

Confirmed Bred

Due 3/27 or 4/1/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

 Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Cream, black, chocolate, chocolate & tan, and black & tan

 Doelings will be $500 if available; buckling unavailable until FF udder is assessed 

Mosaic's Celestial Quartz (F6)

Dam's side:

G-Dam: has VMCH & MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 (2 categories)

G-Sire's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2019 

Dam's Maternal G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020 (all 3 categories)

Dam's Maternal Grt G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 5 list in 2018 (2 categories)

Sire's side

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

G-Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

G-Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Grand- Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/3/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Cream, black, and black & tan

Moonspots possible.

Doelings will be $500 if available; 

bucklings unavailable until FF udder is assessed

blue eyed

Mosaic's Blue Diamond (F6)

Dam: has VMCH & MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 (2 categories)

Maternal G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020 (all 3 categories)

Maternal Sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Maternal Grt G-Dam: MDGA 1- day top 5 list in 2018 (2 categories)

Sire's Sire's Dam: MDGA 1-Day top 5 list in 2018 (all 3 catagories)

Confirmed Bred

Due 4/3/25

**** will be on milk test in 2025****

 Babies will be F3

Colors possible: Cream, black, and black & tan

 blue eyes possible.

 Doelings will be $500 if available; buckling unavailable until FF udder is assessed