2022 Breeding plans:
Will start breedings in Oct this year for March kids
Sanndy C Ranch Clementine Churchill *P
MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020
Babies will be F6 (purebred)
Clem produces ALOT of milk- even with twins on her full time you have to milk her out at least daily. Her daily average is around a gallon, but has almost doubled that in peak production. She is excellent to hand milk due to good teat size and milks down quickly. I am repeating the breeding to Hawkeye as I REALLY want a doe from this cross- and both breeding before resulted in just boys the last 2 years. Very pretty boys that all 3 are standing as studs at farms in MI and KY.
Clem kidded 3/17/22
3 Doelings!!
1 Black and white w/ blue eyes
1 Brown and white w/ blue eyes
1 Brown and white w/ brown eyes

Babies will be F3 & bucks will have *B
Monsoon is a dream to milk- streams like firehoses!!! Her teats are LARGE and easy to hand milk. Milks out quick and produces alot. This is another repeat breeding- as I LOVE the doe I got from the two of them 3 years ago- Tilly
Monsoon kidded 3/18/22
2 bucks & 1 doe
1 black & tan w/ white doe; frosted ears1 black & tan w/ white boy; frosted ears & moonspots1 black & tan w/ white boy; solid ears

Babies will be F4 & bucks will have *B
This is a repeat breeding from last year. I am expecting buckskins and Chocolate/blacks from this cross. Damsel is fabulous to milk and her teat diameter is good for hand milking or the machine. She had mastitis her first year so her udder is uneven, but holds alot of milk still!!
Damsel Kidded 3/15/22
Triplet boys- 2 DOA
1 buckskin buck w/ white

Babies will be F4 & bucks will have *B
Tilly is a small package that produces alot of milk and is easy to hand milk or use the machine with. as a bonus she also shows well in both live and virtual shows. I do plan to retain another daughter out of her this year.
Tilly kidded 3/19/22
2 bucks & 1 doe
1 moonspotted doe1 moonspotted buck; white poll1 very flashy boy
will update if black or chocolate once known