UPDATED 10/15/24 

You can find me on facebook at:

The Mosaic Menagerie 

Located in Nashville, Michigan

I raise MDGA registered Mini Nubian Goats with an emphasis on conformation of both body and udders; as well as good milk production with an emphasis on higher BF %. 

That being said- I would much rather aim for goats who stand up over the years with a moderately large sized udder- than ones that attachments break down with over large udders (udders should be above the hocks).

I do DHIA test all of my does at least every other year; however, only goats to be shown and those without milk stars are kept in milk after babies are weaned. I work 12+ hour shifts as a nurse so cannot milk everyone twice a day and we are done milking before Oct normally due to cold weather in MI.

We no longer keep rabbits or chickens.

Aside from my goats we do have 1 kunekune sow as a pet, 5 barn cats for rodent patrol, 6 dogs (3 house pets and 3 LGDs), and 1 lone guinea for tick control (foxes find them tasty and the LGDs cannot stop predators outside of the fences from getting birds that roam beyond fences). We are both nurses- so having only one breeding program is working better with our schedules.


I have raised different animals since I was a young child, but only got into showing animals in my 20's. I showed English Lops, Velveteen Lops, & Rhinelanders under the rabbitry name of Eeyore's Ears (Eeyore's) for about 15 years and Rhinelanders only under the rabbitry name of The Mosaic Menagerie (Mosiac's) for another 6-7 years. So between rabbits I raised as a child and later my show rabbits- I kept rabbits for about 40 years. 

I raised and showed LF Polish chickens (main focus was tolbunt variety) for about 10 years, and we raised kunekune pigs for only about 3-4 years before deciding to part with rabbits, birds other than guineas, and all but a few female pigs to focus on the goats as I loved them the most and needed to reduce the number of animals I was raising. 
